Danube Delta

  • The Danube Delta is Europe’s second largest natural wetland, the largest being the Volga Delta.
  • It lies mostly in Roumania, and is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the remaining part lying in the Ukraine.


  • The wetlands consist of marshes, channels, streams, reeds, floating reed islands and lakes.
  • There are 30 different ecosystems supporting a range of flora, fauna, fish and birds.
  • There are three main distributaries where water flows away from the main channel.

Bird Migration Route

  • The Delta has 320 different species of birds, including Pelicans, ibises, cormorants, egrets, herons and warblers.
  • Half the birds are migratory and one million birds spend the winter in the Delta.
  • It is on a migration route for birds using the west coast of the Black Sea between northern Europe and western Asia.


Danube Delta

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