
  • In the Ancient Egyptian Calendar, each week was known as a Decan and had ten days.
  • Each month of 30 days was divided into 3 weeks, and each week consisted of 10 days.

The Decan Stars

  • This was based on the Decan Stars.
  • These were 36 groups of stars. Each new group or Decan rose every 10 days.
  • After 10 days a new group of Decan stars rises heliacally in the east and is visible at dawn before the sun rises.
  • They are described in detail in the Book of Nut.

Use in Astrology

  • Each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac are divided into three Decans.
  • Each Sign of the Zodiac consists of 30 degrees.
  • Each of the Decans consist of 10 degrees and is ruled by a Planetary Ruler (such as Mars).
  • There are two methods of classifying the Rulership of the Decans: the Rulership of the Chaldean or the Rulership of the Triplicity.
  • Example of Planetary Rulers using Triplicity:
    • Gemini:
      • First Decan: Jupiter
      • Second Decan: Mars
      • Third Decan: Sun
  • Each Decan has its own name and is associated with a particular property.

The Chinese Calendar

  • The 36 Decans are known as the ‘Thirty Six Animals’.
  • The 12 Signs of the Zodiac are each represented by an animal.
  • Each Animal Sign in the Zodiac then has three animals attached to it.


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