
  • In Greek Mythology, Deucalion and his wife place provisions in a chest and enter it with no other humans or animals, surviving a Flood which lasts for nine days. The story is similar to the Noah’s Flood in The Bible.

The Flood Myth

  • Deucalion was the son of Prometheus, and either Clymene, Hesione or Pronoia.
  • He and his wife Pyrrha, daughter of Epimetheus are told by Prometheus to build and put provisions in a Chest, in order to survive an impending Flood that will affect the coasts. He is 82 years old, according to the Sources.
  • They are the only humans to enter the Chest, and no animals were taken with them.
  • When the Flood recedes after 9 days, the Chest is left on the top of a mountain.
  • Sources vary as to whether it was Mount Etna, Mount Parnassus, Mount Athos or Mount Othrys.
  • Deucalion and Pyrrha are then instructed by the Oracle of Themis to repopulate the Earth by throwing the bones (Rocks) of his Mother (Gaia – the Mother of all living beings), over his shoulder.
  • His rocks become Men, and Pyrrha’s rocks become Women.
  • Their children are: Hellen, Amphictyon, Orestheus, Protogeneia, Pandora II and Thyia.
  • Their grandchildren are: Aeolus, Aethlius, Dorus, Graecus, Makednos, Magnes and Xuthus.

OtherFlood Myths



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