
  • Djemila is a village in Algeria which holds the Ruins of the Roman city of Cuicul. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Cuicul was located in the Roman Province of Africa Proconsularis.


  • Initially a Roman fort, the city was built in the 1st century CE during the reign of Nerva (96-98 CE), and added to over the centuries.
  • It is a rare example of a Roman city built on top of a mountain. It is at an altitude of 2,952 ft (900m).
  • Cuicul commanded a strategic location and was near another Roman city, Cirta.

Roman Sites

  • Cuicul Forum
  • Arch of Caracalla (211-217 CE)
  • Temple of Gens Septimia
  • The Macellum
  • Cuicul Roman Theatre (seating for 3,000)


  • Djemila Museum
    • Located in the Ruins of Cuicul.
    • The museum holds the Finds from Cuicul including stunning mosaics.


  • South of Algiers 1953
    • With Van Heflin, Wanda Hendrix and Eric Portman, incorporating scenic shots of Cuicul, with its Temple, Roman Theatre and lines of standing columns.


Cuicul, Djemila, Algeria

50 CE
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