
  • The Dromon was the prime warship of the Byzantine Empire between the 5-12th centuries CE.
  • They appear to have been constructed in various sizes, used the Lateen sail and carried a syphon to project Greek Fire.


  • The Dromon was derived from the Liburnian Roman Galley.
  • It differed in that it had a covered deck and the square Roman sail was replaced by the Lateen sail.
  • It was also without a Ram.
  • Artillery had long since replaced Ramming in Galley Tactics.
  • A syphon for projecting Greek Fire was located in the bows.


  • Harbour of Eleutherios (c.395 CE)
    • This is an excavation site which is not open to visitors. It is located under the Yenikapi district of Istanbul.
    • In 2005 whilst digging the East West Bosphorus Rail Tunnel, excavators uncovered the old Harbour of Eleutherios, built by Theodosius I (379-395 CE). It was also known as Harbour of Theodosius (Portus Theodosiacus).
    • Excavators unearthed sections of the Wall of Constantine I and 35 Byzantine Ship remains from the seventh to tenth centuries CE including Galleys.
  • Four galleys found in the Yenikapi excavations date from the 11th century CE and are 98 feet (30m) in length.
  • Although size seems to have varied, various sources describe small, medium and large Dromons with two masts.
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