Eau de Cologne

  • Eau de Cologne is a Perfume from Cologne which dates back to the Roman Period.

The Roman Period

  • A perfume salesman named Sextus Haparonius Justinus recorded on his Gravestone that he was a ‘Negotiator Seplasiarius’ and that he sold slaves and Perfume.
  • Many Roman perfume phials have been found in the vicinity, but the ingredients are unknown.

The Eighteenth Century

  • The Roman perfumes were an early precursor to the Eau de Cologne produced from 1709 CE onwards by Giovanni Maria Farina.
  • This perfume was made by combining alcohol spirit infused with citrus ingredients, and was sold to nearly all the European Royal Families.
  • Wilhelm Mulhens produced a similar Perfume called 4711. It was named after the address of the factory at number 4711 Glockengasse.

Current Era

  • Other Perfumeries were started and the generic term ‘Eau de Cologne’ or ‘Cologne’ is used to denote perfume sold by perfume producers based in Cologne.


4711 Glockengasse, Cologne

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