Ecumenical Councils

  • The Ecumenical Councils were held after the Roman Empire accepted Christianity as a Religion after the Edict of Milan 313 CE.
  • The Ecumenical  Councils discussed and resolved matters of Doctrine and Practice within the Christian Church. The Synod of Arles (314 CE) was the first Council to be summoned by Constantine I, where Donatism was condemned.

The First Seven Ecumenical Councils

  1. First Ecumenical Council (325 CE)
  2. Second Ecumenical Council (381 CE)
  3. Third Ecumenical Council (431 CE)
  4. Fourth Ecumenical Council (451 CE)
  5. The Fifth Ecumenical Council (553 CE)
    • The Second Council of Constantinople rejected Origen of Alexandria.
  6. The Sixth Ecumenical Council (680-681 CE)
    • The Third Council of Constantinople: rejected Monothelitism and Monoenergism.
  7. The Seventh Ecumenical Council (787 CE)
    • The Second Council of Nicaea: Rejected Iconoclasm.


325 CE
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