Elegiac Couplet

  • The Elegy or Elegiac Couplet was a Form of Writing in Ancient Greece and Rome, which used a Paired Verse to make up a greater work. It was developed as an alternative to the Epic Poem.


  • The Elegiac Couplet was copied by the Romans from the Ancient Greek lyric Poets.
    • The First line has a verse in Dactylic Hexameter. This consists of six ‘Feet’ or ‘Dactyls’:
    • Each ‘Foot’ or ‘Dactyl’ is made of a long and a short syllable, or two short syllables, or one long Syllable, or two long syllables, or one long and two short syllables.
    • The second line has a Dactylic Pentameter verse. This contains five ‘Feet’ or ‘Dactyls’.
  • The great Greek Elegiac Poets were Philitas of Cos and Callimachus.
  • They were admired and imitated by the great Roman Poets:

The Epic Poem

  • The Elegy was developed as a rival form of writing to the Epic Poem.


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