Elephantine Island

  • Elephantine Island is located in the river Nile opposite Aswan, Egypt.
  • The Ruins of several Temples, two Nilometers and the Aswan Museum are on the island. The Aswan Museum holds a collection of artefacts found on the island.


Ancient Egyptian Sites

  • Temple of Satet
    • As early as 3,000 BCE, there was a Temple of Satet.
    • The Ruins are still standing, along with the small Temple of Heqaib and a Step Pyramid.
  • Temple of Thutmose III
    • However, very little is left of the Temple of Thutmose III, the Temple of Amenhotep III and the Temple of Khnum as they were all dismantled.
  • Nilometer
    • Near the Temple of Satis is a corridor Nilometer with a flight of 99 stone stairs leading down to the Nile with the heights marked off along the stair wall in Hieroglyphs, Roman Numerals and in Arabic.
  • Nilometer
    • Another Nilometer exists at the southern end of the island near the Temple of Khnum.
    • This is a Basin that fills.


  • Aswan Museum
    • The museum is located on Elephantine Island and holds artefacts found from excavations all over the island.

The Ancient Egyptian Fort

  • The Ancient Egyptians maintained a Garrison at Elephantine, as this marked the southern Border of Egypt.
  • According to the Elephantine Papyri, this was manned by a contingent of Jewish Mercenaries during the period of the Babylonian Exile (587-539 BCE). They built their own Temple of Yahweh.

The Ivory Trade

  • The Island was also used as a warehouse for Ivory that came down the Nile from Africa.
  • The name Elephantine Island is possibly derived from the storage of elephant tusks here.

Navigation on the Nile


  • The Nilometer indicated the height of the Nile and measured the annual rise and fall of the Nile.
  • Records were kept from the time of the Pharaohs, enabling the Egyptian priests to announce the date of the first Nile Flood and the date of its maximum height.
  • Other Nilometers on the Nile:
    • One near Cairo
    • Another at Alexandria
    • Several located in various Temples along the banks of the Nile:
    • One at the Temple of Philae, at Philae Island.
    • One at the Temple of Kom Ombo, which had a Nilometer that consisted of a channel that led to a deep cylindrical well inside the Temple building.


Temple of Satet, Elephantine Island

3000 BCE
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