Equestrian Naval Pay

  • Unlike the Roman Army, the Roman Navy did not have Patricians in its top echelons, so there were no Legates.
  • Instead the Roman Navy had Equestrian Prefects (Admirals) of different rank, reflected by their pay.

Navy Prefects

  • Praefecti Classis (Fleet Prefect)
    • These were the Commanders or Admirals of the Fleet. Their Pay Depended on the prestige of the Fleet.
    • The top Positions were reserved for the Equestrian Class and formed part of the Equo Publico.
  • SubPraefecti Classis:
    • These were also Equestrians, and appointed as Deputy Commanders of these Fleets.


  1. Procuratores Ducenarii:
  2. Procuratores Centenarii:
  3. Procuratores Sexagenarii:


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