
  • Equirria were two Ancient Roman Festivals held as part of the worship the God Mars, the Roman God of War.


  1. February 27th:
    • Equirria was celebrated as was the last festival to Mars of the old year.
  2. March 14th:
    • Equirria was then held again as the first festival to Mars for the new year.

The Roman Campaigning Season

  • The Roman Campaigning Season opened with the Festival to Mars, Equirria, on March 14th.
  • It closed with the ‘October Horse’ (Equus), another festival to Mars, on October 15th.

Chariot Racing

  • Equirria was originally held on the Campus Martius with two horse chariot racing using the Biga chariot.

Decline of Equirria

  • In the Empire, the festival was seen as archaic and no longer marked by Chariot Racing.
  • The Equirria had been replaced by the more popular four horse Roman Chariot Races held in the Circus Maximus.
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