Equites Legionis

  • The Equites Legionis, meaning cavalry of the legion, were Light Cavalry Units attached to each Legion, consisting of Auxilia (Roman Auxiliaries).
  • The function of the Roman cavalry was to conduct Patrols, act as Scouts, Messengers, Light Skirmishers and to chase a Fleeing Enemy.


  • Sources vary, but it seems that during the Empire, each Legion had 120 men divided into 4 Turmae, with each Turma having 30-32 horses. They were mostly ‘Lancearii’ meaning Light Cavalry.
  • The Equites Legionis were commanded by a Praefectus Alae, helped by an Optio and a Vexillarius.
  • Each Alae of 32 men was commanded by a Decurion with a sub unit of 10 horses.
  • His second in command was a Duplicarius who commanded another 10 horse unit and his third in command was a Sesquiplicarius who commanded the third 10 horse unit.
  • The standard was carried by the Signifer.
  • The Cavalrymen received 20% more than the usual Legionary Pay.

Structure of the Roman Cavalry Unit

  • Eques Alaris:
    • The basic mounted Cavalryman.
  • Turma:
    • A ‘Squadron’ of 30 or 32 ‘Eques Alaris’ commanded by a Decurion.
    • The Turma was subdivided into 3 groups of 10 men, each led by an officer.
  • Alae: ‘Wing’ 512 men
    • The Wing was divided into 16 Turmae. Commanded by a Praefectus Alae.
  • Ala Millliariae: c. 1,000 men
    • This was divided into 32 Turmae. Commanded by a Prefectus Alae.

Chain of Command

  • Praefectus Alae:
    • He commanded the Cavalry Unit (also known as the Prefectus Equitum).
  • Decurio or Decurion:
    • He commanded the Turmae of 32 men (as well as a unit of 10 men).
  • Duplicarius:
    • He second in command to the Decurion (and commanded a unit of 10 men).
  • Sesquiplicarius:
    • The third in command to the Decurion (and commanded a unit of 10 men).
  • Signifer Turmae
    • He carried the Standard. He was the Signaller transmitting calls by Bygle.
    • In an Auxiliary Cavalry Cohort, the Standard Bearer was called the Draconarius.
  • Eques Alaris:
    • The basic cavalryman.

Cavalry Job Descriptions

  • Centurio Exercitator:
    • cavalry instructor.
  • Eques Speculator:
    • cavalry scout.
  • Eques Sapsarius:
    • cavalry medic.
  • Signifer Turma:
    • Signals were transmitted by the Standard Bearer using a Bugle.

Cavalry Types

  • Lancearii/ Antisignani:
    • Light Cavalry, such as the Equites Legionis.
  • Conttarii:
    • Carried the heavy Lance (Contus).
  • Equites Cataphractarii/ Clibanarii:
    • Heavy Cavalry covered in armour against Archers.
  • Sagittarii:
    • mounted Archers.
  • Roman Camel Corps
    • Known to have been in service in Syria.

Clothing and Weapons

  • A Corinthian Helmet that covered the entire head and neck.
  • A Bronze Breastplate.
  • Bronze Greaves that covered the legs.
  • Chainmail was also worn at a later date.
  • A Lance.
  • Short throwing Spears.
  • The Spatha, the Roman Longsword used by the Auxilia.

Bugle Calls

  • Signals were transmitted by the Standard Bearer using a Bugle.
  • Calls were given to the Cavalry to Charge, Retreat, Assemble, Disperse, Mount and Dismount, and so on.

Cavalry Tactics

  • The Cavalry were deployed on the flanks of the Legion in Battle to protect and screen the Infantry from the enemy Cavalry.
  • They were organised in their Turmae and arranged in three ranks.
  • Within the Turma they often rode in echelon, each rider’s shield protecting the next one.
  • Cavalry were also used for sending Messages, for Scouting, Skirmishing and Pursuit of a vanquished enemy.


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