
  • Esna is a city in Egypt, approximately 50 miles (80km) south of Luxor.
  • The Temple of Khnum is located in Esna. It holds a Roman Hypostyle Hall inside.

Temple of Khnum

  • The original Temple is thought to have been constructed during the reign of Thutmosis III (1479-1425 BCE).
  • It was reconstructed by Ptolemy VI (196-145 BCE), and later a Hall was added by the Emperor Claudius.

Hypostyle Hall of Claudius

  • The Hypostyle Hall is located inside the Temple, and was added by the Roman Emperor Claudius:
    • It is a garden enclosed by 24 painted columns topped by capitals in the shape of plants and flowers.
    • On the walls are paintings of Roman Emperors giving offerings to the Egyptian Gods.


Temple of Khnum, Esna

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