Eurasian Wolf

  • The Eurasian Wolf (Canis lupus lupus) once roamed Northern Europe, Russia and Asia, but was almost hunted to extinction in Europe by 1900.
  • It is a sub-species of the Grey Wolf. Italy has its own sub-species called the Italian Wolf.

Wolves in Mythology

  • The Eurasian Wolf was highly respected in Ancient Greece where the Wolf was associated with Apollo.
  • In the Legend of Ancient Rome, Romulus and Remus are brought up by a she-wolf in a cave.
  • The symbol of Rome was a statue of the she-wolf suckling the two infants in a cave called the Lupercal..
  • As a result, the Romans never used wolves in their wild beast hunts known as Venatio.


  • The Eurasian Wolf has been reintroduced into four areas, The Southern Carpathian mountains in Roumania, the Rhodope Mountains in southeastern Europe, mainly Bulgaria, the Velebit Mountains, part of the Dinaric Alps in Croatia and the Oder Delta.


Carpathian Mountains

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