
  • Eureka!, is from the Greek meaning ‘I have found it’. It is the phrase uttered by the Greek inventor and Mathematician Archimedes (287-212 BCE), when he invented his Principle that the Mass of an object divided by its Volume would equal its Density.
  • He was then able to calculate whether the density of a crown was made of Gold or of a lighter metal without cutting it open.

The Eureka Moment

  • Vitruvius tells the story of how Archimedes invented a method to determine the volume of a body having an irregular shape.
  • King Hiero II of Syracuse had commissioned a crown to be made out of solid Gold. However, He distrusted the Goldsmith and asked Archimedes to find a way of calculating whether he had used cheaper silver instead, but without Archimedes melting down the crown.
  • Whilst getting into his bath, Archimedes observed that as he got in, the water level rose.
  • He realised that the crown would displace a quantity of water equal to its own volume.
  • Archimedes concluded that the Mass of the crown divided by its Volume would equal its Density, and he could then calculate whether it was the density of Gold or of a lighter metal.
  • In his excitement he leapt out of his bath and ran naked down the street to the King, shouting Eureka! (I have found it!).
  • The test was carried out and it showed that silver had been added.
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