
  • Eusebius (c.275-339 CE) was Bishop of Caesarea Maritima.
  • He is noted as a Historian of the Early Christian Church.


  • ‘Historia Ecclesiastica’ (Church History) (c.323 CE)
    • Eusebius describes the History of the Christian Church, from its inception up to around 324 CE, after which Christianity was recognised as a Religion that people were free to practise in the Roman Empire.
  • ‘Praeparatio evangekica’ (Preparation for the Gospel) (c.313 CE)
    • Written in 15 books, this was an introduction to Christianity for Pagans.
    • Its importance lies in his copying of texts which are now Lost Works.
    • Eusebius is the only source for a Lost History by Sanchuniathon.


Caesarea Maritima

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