Flavia Domitilla


  • Flavia Domitilla was married to the Consul Titus Flavius Clemens.
  • Domitian had Flavius Clemens executed for practicing Atheism, meaning Christianity.
  • In 95 CE, Domitian banished Flavia Domitilla for life to Ventotene, on the charge of Atheism for practicing Christianity. She died in 100 CE.
  • Her steward Stephanus was later involved in the successful plot to assassinate Domitian, according to Suetonius.

Saint Domitilla

  • It is thought that she is the same person as Saint Flavia Domitilla in the Roman Catholic Church and in the Greek Orthodox Church.

Catacombs of Domitilla

  • The Catacombs of Domitilla are a series of tunnels in Rome containing early Christian burials covering 17 hectares.
  • It was one of the Catacombs of Ancient Rome owned by Flavia Domitilla, as recorded by an inscription inside the Catacombs.



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