Flotsam and Jetsam

  • Flotsam and Jetsam are legal terms relating to wreckage in Maritime Law.
  • Lagan and Derelict are also legal terms relating to wreckage.

The Terms

  • Flotsam:
    • The wreckage of a ship or its cargo which was not deliberately thrown overboard and is floating. Flotsam may be claimed by the original owner.
  • Jetsam:
    • The wreckage that is washed ashore, such as ship’s parts or ship’s cargo which has been deliberately jettisoned overboard by a ship in distress to help save itself. Jetsam may be claimed as the property of the Finder.
  • Lagan:
    • The wreckage or cargo of a ship which is found lying on the sea bed and which can be reclaimed.
  • Derelict:
    • The abandoned cargo of a ship lying on the seabed which cannot be reclaimed.


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