Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are described in the Book of Revelation, (chapter 6: lines 1-8) which also known as the Apocalypse, and is the last book in the New Testament in The Bible.
  • The Book describes a Scroll in God’s right hand, bearing seven seals. The Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) opens the first four seals and releases the four Horsemen who bring the Apocalypse upon humanity and are the heralds of the Final Judgement.

The Four Horsemen

  • Each of the Four Horsemen is thought to be symbol:
    • White Horse
      • Conquest: the rider wears a crown and carries a bow.
    • Red Horse
      • War: the rider carries a sword.
    • Black Horse
      • Famine: the rider holds a pair of scales to measure grain which has reached an exorbitant price.
    • Pale Horse
      • Death: the rider is named as Death and he is followed by Hades, where the Dead live.


  • Book of Revelation
    • The author is known as John of Patmos. He describes himself as John, and says that he was instructed by a divine figure to write down the vision he received on the Greek island of Patmos.
    • According to Eusebius, Domitian banished the Apostle John in 95 CE, to Patmos where he was inspired to write the Book of Revelation.
    • Historians are generally in agreement that the Book of Revelation was written between 60-95 CE by John the Apostle (c.5-100 CE), who was one of the Twelve Apostles. He is thought to be the same person as John the Evangelist and John of Patmos. He is considered to be the author of 5 Works: The Gospel of John, three Epistles of John and the Book of Revelation.
    • The Book is considered to be a prophecy foretelling the Final Day of Judgement.
  • Book of Zechariah 6: 1-8
    • Four chariots emerge each hauled by teams of red, black, white and dappled horses.
  • Book of  Isaiah 14: 21
    • Mentions the four Judgements of sword, famine, wild beast and plague.


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