Fourth Macedonian War

  • The Fourth Macedonian War (149-148 BCE) was part of the Macedonian Wars (214-148 BCE) fought between Rome and Macedonia.
  • In this final War, Rome conquered Greece and it became part of the Roman Empire.

The Reason for the War

  • Andriscus claimed the Kingdom of Macedonia, playing himself off as the son of Perseus.
  • The Achaean League supported him against Rome.


  • In 148 BCE, the Second Battle of Pydna took place where Quintus Caecilius Metellus Macedonicus defeated Andriscus, and burnt Corinth, coinciding with the destruction of Carthage.

The Outcome

  • This time Rome did not withdraw the Legions from Greece.
  • Greek Independence was ended and it became part of the Roman Empire being forced to pay heavy taxes.
  • In 146 BCE Greece formally became the three Provinces of Macedonia, Achaea and Epirus.


Second Battle of Pydna

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