
  • The Freedmen (Libertini), or Freedman (Libertus) (singular), were a former Slaves who had received their Liberty, and become a Libertini.


  • Manumissio:
  • Libertus:
    • Was the name for a Slave who had been given his Freedom or ‘Libertas’. His former Master became his Patron or ‘Patronus’.
    • Children of Freedmen were born with full Roman Citizenship.
  • Libertini:
    • Freed Slaves became a Class called the Libertini.
  • Exclusions:
    • Freedmen were however, excluded from holding the Office of State Priest, Senator or from holding Public Office.
    • The Emperor Claudius changed this by creating four Offices of State, specifically run by Imperial Freedmen.

The Imperial Freedmen under Claudius

  • The Emperor Claudius consolidated the use of Freedmen instead of Senators to run the Empire, as he could not trust the Senators who had become hostile to him.
  • He created four separate Departments within the Imperial Secretariat with a Freedman in charge of each one:
    1. Narcissus was made ‘Praepositus ab Epistulis’ – Secretary of Correspondence.
    2. Pallas was made Secretary of the Treasury.
    3. Callistus was made Secretary of Justice and Law.
    4. Polybius was made Secretary of Mioscellaneous Affairs. He was executed for Treason by Messalina, possibly after they ceased to be lovers.
  • The Freedmen could act as personal representatives of the Emperor. Narcissus was sent to resolve a Mutiny of the Legions in Germany, prior to the Invasion of Britannia where he succeeded in restoring order by personally addressing the Legions.

Edict of Caracalla (212 CE)


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