
  • Julius Sextus Frontinus (c.35 – 103/104 CE) was a Roman Senator best known for his Works on Aqueducts and Military Strategy.
  • He became Prefect of the Aqueducts of Rome or Curator Aquarum in 97 CE, and published a work titled ‘The Aqueducts of Rome’ in which he stated that nine Aqueducts supplied water to 39 fountains and 591 public pools.

Posting in Britannia

  • Governor of Britannia (74-77 CE)
  • Defeated the Silures in Wales (75 CE)
  • Moved the Legio II Augusta to Caerleon (75 CE)
  • Built Caerwent (Venta Silurum) as the Civitas Capital of the Silures and moved them into the new town (c.75 CE)

Posting in Rome

  • Curator Aquarum or Prefect in charge of Rome’s Aqueducts (97 CE).


  • ‘The Art of War’ (c.78 CE) (lost)
  • Strategemata  (Stratagems) (84-96 CE)
    • This was an Appendix to the ‘Art of War’. It consists of 4 Books containing 500 examples of different Tactics.
  • ‘The Aqueducts of the City of Rome’ (c. 98 CE)


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