Gallic Wars: Book I

  • Book I describes the first year in the Gallic Wars (58-51 BCE) conducted by Julius Caesar against the Celtic Tribes in Gaul. After the war, Gaul became a Roman Province for the next 400 years.
  • Julius Caesar wrote De Bello Gallico using the third person to describe his personal experience as the Commander-in-chief.

Book I (58 BCE)

The War against the Helvetii

  • Caesar forbad the Swiss Helvetii Tribe from migrating into Gaul, but three quarters of the Tribe succeeded in entering Gallic Territory. Caesar defeated the Helvetii and forced them to return to their territories.
  • Afterwards he moved north, and defeated the Suebi who had themselves invaded northern Gaul over the previous years, and forced them to return to Germany.

The Battles




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