Gallic Wars: Book III

  • Book III describes a year in the Gallic Wars (58-51 BCE) conducted by Julius Caesar against the Celtic Tribes in Gaul. After the war, Gaul became a Roman Province for the next 400 years.
  • Julius Caesar wrote De Bello Gallico using the third person to describe his personal experience as the Commander-in-chief.

Book III (56 BCE)

The War against the Veneti

  • The War against the Sea faring Veneti Tribe in Brittany. The Veneti resisted all attempts to occupy them, from coastal fortresses that could be evacuated by their fleet of ships.
  • The Veneti were the sea power in Gaul who traded with Britannia.
  • The result was the first Roman naval battle in the Atlantic, which the Romans won. This paved the way for Caesar to invade Britannia.

The Battles




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