Giant Sequoia

  • The Giant Sequoia, also known as Giant Redwood, is a coniferous tree of the last surviving species of Sequoiadendron.
  • The Sequoia occur naturally only in groves on the west facing slopes of the Sierra Nevada in California in the USA.

Size of Sequoia Trees

  • The Sequoia are the largest trees in the world.
  • They grow to a height of between 164-279 feet (50-85m), with one tree being recorded at 311 feet (94.8m).
  • The diameter of the trunk ranges between 20-26 feet (6-8m).

Age of Sequoia Trees

  • The average age of Sequoia trees is 2,000 years old, with some living to be over 3,000 years old.
  • The oldest living Sequoia in the Sequoia National Park is ‘The President’. It is currently estimated to be 3,200 years old.
  • This means it was planted in c. 1,180 BCE, long before the founding of Ancient Rome in 753 BCE.


Sequoia National Park

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