
  • Gibraltar is a 1,396 ft (426m) mountain, also known as the Rock of Gibraltar, located on the southwestern tip of Spain. It was in the Roman Province of Baetica.
  • Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory and acts as a Base and Dockyard for visiting ships of the Royal Navy.

Strait of Gibraltar

  • The Strait of Gibraltar is the sea between Gibraltar and Morocco. The distance at the narrowest point is 8.1 miles (13km) and the winds blow predominately from the east (the Levante) or the west (the Poniente).
  • Gibraltar and the Atlas Mountains opposite were known in the Ancient World as the Pillars of Hercules.


  • The ruins of the Roman town of Carteia are between the town of San Roque and Gibraltar.
  • Strabo wrote that it was founded by the Phoenicians in 940 BCE.
  • Gibraltar was a naval base during the Roman Period, and the Harbour was located at nearby Carteia.


  • In 206 BCE, during the Second Punic War (218-202 BCE), the naval battle of Carteia took place between the Romans and the Carthaginians.
  • Adherbal, the Carthaginian Admiral was confronted by the Roman Admiral Gaius Laelius, who defeated the Carthaginians. In 190 BCE Carteia finally fell to the Romans.
  • In 67 BCE Carteia became a Roman naval base when Pompey made it his base for the conflict between Pompey and the Pirates. This resulted in Rome clearing the Mediterranean of Pirates permanently.



67 BCE
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