Great Gothic Seaborne Raids

  • The Great Gothic Seaborne Raids (267-269 CE) were a sequence of attacks on the Eastern Roman Empire by large Gothic Fleets. They were finally defeated by Claudius II Gothicus at the Battle of Naissus (268-9 CE)

The First Seaborne Invasion

  • In 267 CE, with a Fleet of 500 Ships, the Heruli attacked the cities of Byzantium and Cyzicus on the Black Sea Coast.
  • Despite being defeated by the Roman Navy they escaped into the Aegean and devastated Achaea.
  • They sacked the islands of Lemnos and Scyros and the cities of Athens, Corinth, Argos and Sparta.

The Second Seaborne Invasion

  • This time a great alliance of Goths and Scythians under the Heruli with 2,000-6,000 ships and 325,000 men according to Zosimus.
  • They attacked the cities of Byzantium and Chrysopolis which were sacked, although they lost a large part of their fleet, they then passed into the Aegean and laid waste to Crete and Rhodes.
  • Their army besieged Thessalonica and Cassandreia. As the Emperor Aurelian approached, they retreated through Macedonia, plundering as they went.

Battle of Naissus (268-269 CE)

  • In either 268 or 269 CE, at the Battle of Naissus, a Roman Army under the Emperor Claudius II Gothicus arrived from the north.
  • The Goths were decisively crushed and lost 30-50,000 soldiers.
  • After this, the Balkans and the Danube were quiet for several decades.


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