Great Illyrian Revolt

  • The Great Illyrian Revolt, known to the Romans as the Bellum Batonianum, took place between 6-9 CE and was a War to control the Province of Illyricum.
  • According to Suetonius, this was the most difficult conflict Rome had experienced since the Punic Wars (246-146 BCE).

Roman Acquisition of Illyria

  • The Illyrian Wars (229-167 BCE) resulted in the abolition of the Kingdom of the Ardiaei, which the Romans replaced with three Client Republics.
  • In 27 BCE the area became a Senatorial Province, then later, an Imperial Province.

The Reason for the Revolt

  • In 6 CE Two Tribes, the Daesitiates and the Breuci, combined under their leaders who shared the same name, Bato the Deasitiate and Bato the Braecian, and defeated two Roman armies sent against them. Their success attracted an alliance of well armed local Tribes.
  • The Province of Illyricum protected Italy, and the possible collapse of the Province posed a threat that might lead to an invasion of Italy, which the Romans could not permit.

Augustus‘ Response

  • Augustus moved Tiberius and his Legions from Germany to reinforce the Legions in Illyria.
  • For the first time since the Battle of Cannae (216 BCE), Slaves were bought and emanicipated then formed into a Legion.
  • By 6-7 CE, 100,000 men were deployed in 10 Legions (50,000 men) with 50,000 Auxilia, including the army of the client king of Thracia.

The War of 6-9 CE

  • There were no set piece battles.
  • A guerilla war followed in the mountains and the fighting did not finish until 9 CE.

The Outcome

  • The Romans divided the Illyrian Tribes into more easily controlled administrative groupings.
  • Although the fighting finished in 9 CE, the soldiers mutinied five years later, after Augustus‘ death in 14 CE, over pay and conditions aggravated by the experience of such a difficult guerilla campaign.
  • Taking advantage of the absence of 8 Legions from the Rhine, Arminius lured Varus and the remaining three Legions into Germania, which were then lost at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in 9 CE.
  • Arminius had intended to join with the Tribal Armies in Illyria, and then move into Italia and conquer Rome itself.



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