Greek Games

  • Ancient Greece celebrated Four Panhellenic Games in an Olympiad Cycle of four years.
  • This meant one game was held every year during the four year cycle.


  • The Panhellenic Games were organised so that there was one set of Games held every year, of which the most important was the Olympic Games.
  • The Olympic Games were held every four years, and became a measurement of time known as an Olympiad.
  • All four Games continued under the Roman Empire until 393 CE, when they were banned by Theodosius I as being too Pagan.

The Four Panhellenic Games

  1. Olympic Games: (Year one)
    • Started in 776 CE.
    • held at the Sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia every four years
    • Held in honour of Zeus. (Jupiter)
    • The winner received an olive wreath from a branch of the sacred wild olive tree that grew near the Temple of Zeus at Olympia. There was no second or third prize, only the winner received a wreath, shaped like a horseshoe.
  2. Nemean Games: (Year two and four)
    • Held at Nemea every 2 years, the year before (second year) and the year after the Olympic Games.
    • The winner recieved a wreath of wild celery leaves from the city of Argos.
  3. Isthmian Games: (Year two and four)
    • Held at Corinth every 2 years, the year before and the year after the Olympic Games.
    • The winner received a wreath of celery leaves, but later this changed to a wreath of pine leaves.
  4. Pythian Games: (Year three)
    • Held at the Sanctuary of Delphi every four years, (third year in the Olympiad cycle).
    • Held in honour of Apollo.
    • The Winners received a Laurel Wreath made from bay laurel leaves, sacred to Apollo, from the city of Tempe.


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