
  • Heliopolis, means ‘City of the Sun’, and was the capital of the 13th Nome of Lower Egypt. It is one of Egypt’s oldest cities.
  • It was the capital and spiritual centre of Lower Egypt, whilst Thebes was the capital and the spiritual centre of Upper Egypt.

The Archeological Site

  • The site of ancient Heliopolis is located in the suburbs of modern Cairo.
  • The site was first excavated by the Italian Egyptologist E. Sciaparelli between 1903-4 CE, and by the British Archeologist Flinders Petrie in 1912 CE.

The Great Temple of Atum

  • Heliopolis was the centre of worship of Atum, the Sun God (Ra).
  • Macrobius (c.400 CE) in (Saturnalia.i.23) wrote that when Alexander the Great passed through Baalbeck, the Syrian Heliopolis, the priests were sent from the Great Temple of Ra-Atum in Heliopolis.
  • The Temple of Ra-Atum is now an Archeological site.

Seat of learning in Ancient Egypt

  • The Temple had an extensive library, and Heliopolis was famous for its schools of Astronomy and Philosophy. Plato, Pythagorus and Solon all studied there.
  • Under the Greeks, the seat of learning was moved to Alexandria, and by the time Strabo (c.64 BCE – 24 CE) visited Heliopolis, the only inhabitants were priests.


  • Manetho was the Chief Priest of Heliopolis.
  • He wrote the history of the Dynasties of the Pharaohs of Egypt.


Heliopolis, suburb of Cairo

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