
  • Hellenism was the Ancient Greek Religion and was a polytheistic Religion that later expanded into the Greek Empire conquered by Alexander the Great between 334-323 CE.
  • The influence of Hellenistic Religion or Hellenism is the Period between 332 BCE to 300 CE, after which it was replaced by Christianity.

Twelve Olympians

  • The twelve Olympians were the most important Gods in the Temple of all the Gods, the Greek Pantheon, and lived on Mount Olympus, 100 miles (160km) west of Thessalonica
  • They had replaced the previous twelve Gods known as the Titans, after a ten year war.
  • Plato in ‘The Phaedrus’ (Dialogue) placed the twelve Gods in the Zodiac, with each God representing one month.


  • The Oracle in the Ancient World was where the Gods spoke directly to humans via a seer or priestess.
  • The most important Oracle in the Greek World was at Delphi, where the Pythea gave Prophesies, believed to be directly from Apollo himself.
    • Delphi
      • in Achaea, the Oracle was dedicated to Apollo, the Sun. Delphi was considered by the Ancient Greeks to be the Navel (centre) of the World.
    • Dodona
      •  in Epirus, the Oracle was dedicated to Zeus and Dione.
    • Trophonius
    • Delos

Navel Stones

  • Navel Stones, known as ‘Omphalos’, have been found at many Oracle Sites.
  • Delphi was believed to be the ‘Navel’ of the world, and a navel stone was thought to allow direct communication with the Gods.

The Greek Temple


Eleusinian Mysteries

  • The Eleusinian Mysteries were an annual pilgrimage held in Eleusis, near Athens in Ancient Greece.
  • The Mysteries were Initiation Ceremonies held for the Cult of Demeter and Persephone.

Greek Mythology

  • Greek mythology is the collection of stories about the Greek Gods in the Ancient Greek Religion.

Hesiod’s Theogony

  • The Theogony ia a poem by Hesiod (c.700 BCE) written in the epic dialect of ancient Greek, and is considered the to be the source of Greek Mythology.
  • The Theogony describes the origin and genealogy of the Greek Gods.

Top Ten Greek Myths and other Myths

  1. Demeter and Persephone
  2. Heracles and the Twelve Labours of Heracles
  3. IliadHelen of Troy and the Trojan War
  4. Jason and the Argonauts
  5. Oedipus
  6. Odysseus and the Odyssey and his wife Penelope.
  7. Orpheus and Eurydice
  8. Pandora and Pandora’s Box
  9. Prometheus
  10. Theseus and the Minotaur

Ancient Authors of Greek Mythology


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