
  • Hercules was the Roman God who in Greek Mythology, was named Heracles, son of Zeus, and a mortal, Alcmnene.
  • Hercules was placed in the service of King Eurystheus who made him perform a number of difficult tasks or Labours.


  • Hercules in Ancient Rome was also known as Heracles to the Greeks and as Melqart to the Phoenicians.
  • Temples to Hercules were built throughout Greece and Rome. There was a Temple of Melqart on the island city of Tyre.
  • Hercules was the greatest Greek Hero who defended the Twelve Olympians.
  • The Roman Emperors Commodus and Maximianus identified themselves with Hercules.

The Twelve Labours of Hercules

  1. Slaying the Lion of Nemea or Kithairon (the Harp Mountain).
  2. Slaying the Lernaian Hydra with 3 or 7 heads.
  3. Capturing the swift Hind of Arkadia with its golden horns and brazen hooves.
  4. Slaying the Boar of Erumanthos or Kaludon.
  5. Cleaning the Augean Stables from 30 years of dung produced by 1,000 cattle, in one day, which he did by diverting two rivers through it, the Alpheus and the Peneus.
  6. Slaying the flesh-eating birds of Lake Stumphalia.
  7. Capturing the Wild Bull of Crete.
  8. Taming the Wild man-eating Mares of Diomedes.
  9. Removing the Belt of the Amazon Queen, Hippolyta.
  10. Slaying Geryon the Old Man of Gades, to collect his Cattle.
  11. Locating the Garden of Hesperides, to slay the Dragon and collect the Golden Apples.
  12. Capturing Cerberus, the three headed dog, which guarded Hades, the Underworld. Cerberus prevented the Dead from escaping and the Living from entering. Hercules had to be initiated in the Eleusinian Mysteries in order to learn how to enter and leave Hades alive.


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