Hero of Alexandria

  • Hero of Alexandria (c. 152-82 BCE or 10-70 CE), also known as Hiero, Hieron or Heron, was a Greek Inventor, Mathematician, Physicist, Engineer who lived in Alexandria, Egypt.
  • Hero was probably a Tutor at the ‘Musaeum of Alexandria‘ (Like a modern University), which included the Library of Alexandria, since most of his writings appear to be lecture notes. He was influenced by Ctesibius.


  • The ‘Aeolipile’:
    • The World’s first steam engine
  • The ‘WindWheel’ (Windmill)
    • A device which operated an Organ
  • A Vending Machine
    • The World’s first coin operated Vending Machine
  • A Mechanical Theatre
    • A Mechanically operated Theatre Show which lasted 10 minutes, a rotating cogwheel operated ropes and pulleys and produced sounds like thunder.
  • A Fire Engine
    • The Fire Engine was based on Pumps that forced water to squirt out of a pipe.
  • A Syringe
    • For the controlled release of liquids or air.
  • Hero's Fountain
    • This was a water fountain that functioned without any aid. It was not a Perpetual Motion machine as the top basin had to be constantly replenished.


  • ‘The Principle of the Shortest Path of Light’
    • This theory was formulated by Hero.
  • ‘Heron’s Formula’
    • for calculating the area of a triangle.
  • ‘An Imaginary Number’
    • This is a number whose square is less than or equal to zero. Hero first noted this whilst calculating a Pyramidal Frustrum.


  • Pneumatica
    • on machines operated by air, steam and water pressure
  • Automata
    • on machines for Temples, for example, opening Doors and pouring wine with no visible means of operation.
  • Mechanica
    • on lifting devices for Architects
  • Metrica
    • on how to calculate surfaces and volumes
  • On the Dioptra
    • on methods of measuring length
  • Belopoeica
    • on War Machines
  • Catoptrica
    • on light, reflection and mirrors


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