Herod the Great

  • Herod the Great was appointed a Roman Client King in 40 BCE and ruled Judaea until 4 BCE.
  • In order to legitimise the Herodian Dynasty, he married the Hasmonian Princess, Mariamne.


  • Judaea becomes a Roman Client Kingdom (63 BCE)
  • Parthia invades Syria and Judaea (40 BCE)
    • In 40 BCE, the Roman General under Brutus, Quintus Labienus, was given a Parthian Army, and took over Syria and invaded Judaea.
    • The Roman Client King, Hyrcanus II, was deposed and a Persian Client King, Antigonus, installed in his place.
    • In 37 BCE he was deposed by Herod the Great.
  • Rome appoints Herod the Great
    • In 40 BCE The Roman Senate nominated Herod the Great as ‘King of the Jews’, meaning the Roman Client Kingdom of Judaea.
    • In 37-36 BCE He entered Jerusalem at the head of a Roman Army, and ruled until his death in 4 BCE.
    • In order to legitimise the Herodian Dynasty, he married the Hasmonian Princess, Mariamne.

Judaea becomes a Roman Province

  • 6 CE Judaea became a Roman Province, after a brief Rule by Herod’s son.
  • The Capital was at Caesarea Maritima.
  • The Province of Judaea included Samaria and Idumea, but excluded the Golan, the Decapolis, Galilee and Peraea.

Herod Antipas, Herod’s son.

  • Galilee and Peraea were ruled from their Capital Tiberius, by Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, from 6-39 CE.

Herod’s Building Works


Jerusalem, Capital of Judaea

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