Himyarite Kingdom


  • The Capital was at Zafar.
  • It was on a caravan road that linked Marib, the Capital of the Sabaean Kingdom with the Red Sea.
  • The Himyarite Kingdom exported Frankincense and Myrrh from Arabia.
  • It also traded extensively with the independent ports of East Africa, in particular, the Ivory trade.
  • In c.25 BCE it invaded the neighbouring Sabaean Kingdom.
  • Around 200 CE Qataban was invaded.
  • Around c. 300 CE Hadramawt was conquered.
  • It was finally invaded by Ethiopia in 525 CE.

Relations with Rome

  • In 26-5 BC The Roman Prefect of Egypt, Aelius Gallus, took the Legions (probably the Legio III Cyrenaica) for his campaign against Arabia Felix, in modern Yemen.
  • During his absence, the Kushan kingdom attacked Upper Egypt.
  • The next Prefect of Egypt, Gaius Petronius, invaded Kush and sacked Napata in 22 BCE, ending the threat from Kush for the next three centuries.
  • The Himyarite Kingdom remained on friendly terms with Rome. The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea refers to its Ruler as a ‘friend of the Emperors’. In c. 25 BCE it invaded the Sabaean Kingdom, which then also became an ally of Rome. It exported Goods from East Africa and Arabia to Egypt up the Red Sea.


Zafar, Yemen

110 BCE
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