Hunnic Empire

  • The Hunnic Empire (c.370-c.469 CE) was a confederation of Germanic Tribes under the Huns which is considered to be mainly responsible for the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
  • The Gothic Wars with Rome (376-382 CE) started as a result of the Huns pushing into the Gothic territory from the East.

Attila the Hun (King between 434-453 CE)

  • The most famous Hunnic King was Attila the Hun who was responsible for:
    • The Hunnic Invasion of the Eastern Roman Empire between 434-445 CE.
    • The Hunnic Invasion of the Western Roman Empire between 451-452 CE.
  • In 451 CE, the Battle of Chalons resulted a Roman victory and turning point, although Attila survived another two years.
  • Attila died in 453 CE and his Hunnic Army was destroyed in 454 CE.
  • His sons, Emak and Dengizich, continued fighting the Romans after their father’s death. The Hunnic Empire is considered to have ended with their defeat, ending in Dengizich’s head being mounted on a stake in the Hippodrome of Constantinople.
  • However, the West was weakened by these events, leading to the Second Sack of Rome in 455 CE by Geiseric, King of the Vandals.
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