
  • The Iceni were a powerful British Tribe located in the area of present day Norfolk and northern Suffolk. They were one of the Roman Client Kingdoms in Britannia between 47-60 CE, until they rebelled in 60 CE.
  • The Civitas or Capital of the Iceni became Caistor St Edmund (Venta Icenorum), near Norwich.

Boudicca's Revolt

  • The Cause:
    • Prasutagus was King of the Iceni in 47 CE.
    • In 47 CE the Iceni rebelled, but after the rebellion was suppressed, the Iceni were forced to disarm and hand over all their weapons.
    • Afterwards, King Prasutagus was installed and the territory continued to enjoy Independence, with the expectation the Kingdom would revert to Roman Rule after he died.
    • In 60 CE Prasutagus died, but in his Will he left his Kingdom to his daughters as well as to Rome, in the hope of continuing the independent Kingdom.
    • The Will was ignored and the kingdom was taken over by the Romans when he died.
    • His wife, Boudicca, and her children were enslaved, leading the Iceni under Boudicca to plan a Major Rebellion.
  • The Revolt:
    • In 60 CE Boudicca's Revolt started in Colchester and spread rapidly across southern England, resulting in the Romans almost being ejected from Britannia.
    • Colchester:
    • London:
      • She then proceeded to London, where all those Romans and Britons who had not fled were tortured before being massacred, and the town was burnt to the ground.
    • St. Albans:
      • She then marched with a large army up Watling Street to St. Albans, which she razed to the ground to punish the Tribe for being pro-Roman.
  • The Finale:
    • A Total of 70-80,000 Romans and Britons are estimated to have been killed in these three cities. As a result, the Emperor Nero was apparently considering withdrawing from Britannia during Boudicca’s Revolt.
    • Queen Boudicca had now amassed a considerable Army of approximately 100,000 or more soldiers, and continued up Watling Street towards Paulinus and his small Army.
    • The Revolt was finally crushed by Paulinus at the Battle of Watling Street.
    • The Iceni lost their independence and the Capital of Britannia was moved away from Iceni territory to London.


Venta Icenorum, Caistor Saint Edmund

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