Idas and Marpessa

  • In Greek Mythology Idas was a handsome Hero who sought the hand in marriage of Marpessa, a beautiful maiden guarded by a vengeful father Evenus.
  • Evenus challenged every suitor for Marpessa’s hand to a chariot race in which his opponent invariably died.

The Myth

  • Idas arrived and contested Evenus to a race with his own golden chariot drawn by winged horses, and won the race. However, Evenus refused to let him marry Marpessa and told Idas he was lucky to have kept his life.
  • Idas responded by stealing Marpessa away in his chariot with Evenus in hot pursuit. Finally, Evenus gave up at the River Lycormas and threw himself into the river.
  • Idas took Marpessa to the safety of his home country of Messenia, only to be challenged by the God Apollo who also fell for her. Idas drew his bow but Zeus intervened, suggesting Marpessa make the choice herself.
  • Marpessa chose Idas and they settled down and had a daughter, Alcyone.
  • Later, a conflict broke out between Idas, his brother and the Dioscuri, resulting ultimately in Zeus killing Idas. When she found out, Marpessa killed herself in her grief.
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