
Brief Synopsis

  • The Iliad was written by the Ancient Greek Epic Poet, Homer, in Dactylic Hexameter.
  • It was considered to be a Myth until Heinrich Schliemann excavated the Ruins of Troy in May 1873 and discovered the treasures of the ancient city buried under subsequent layers.
  • Helen of Troy was the wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta. She eloped with Prince Paris of Troy, causing the Trojan War when the Greeks embarked on a ten year siege of Troy.
  • The Iliad covers the final few weeks of the ten year Siege of Troy.
  • Homer not only describes the Greek and Trojan heroes, but also the important role that the Gods play throughout the whole story.

Dactylic Hexameter

  • Dactylic Hexameter was considered by the Ancient Greeks and Romans to be the foremost method of recounting classical Epic Poetry.
  • In Dactylic Hexameter each foot contains three syllables, with six feet altogether, giving a total of eighteen syllables per line.

Menin: 'Rage'

  • Menin is the word for Rage in Greek.
  • Rage is the driving force in the Iliad by Homer.
  • At the beginning of the Iliad, Achilles experienced ‘Menin’, complete rage, and this persistent behaviour affected the whole outcome of the Trojan War.

The Odyssey

  • Homer followed the Iliad with a sequel called the Odyssey.
  • It describes the ten year Journey of Odysseus (Ulysses, in Roman mythology) to return to his home at Ithaca after the fall of Troy.

The Characters in the Iliad

The Achaeans: The Hellenes, The Danaans, The Argives

    • Agamemnon – King of Mycenae
    • Achilles – leader of the Myrmidons
    • Odysseus – King of Ithaca
    • Ajax the Greater – Son of Telamon
    • Menelaus – King of Sparta, married to Helen, and Agamemnon’s Brother
    • Diomedes – King of Argos
    • Ajax the Lesser
    • Patroclus
    • Nestor – King of Pylos

The Trojans

  • The Trojan Men
    • Hector – King Priam’s Son
    • Aeneas – Anchises’ and aphrodite’s Son
    • Deiphobus – Hector’ and Paris’ Brother
    • Paris – Helen’s abductor
    • Priam – King of Troy
    • Polydamas – Commander
    • Agenor – Trojan warrior who contests Achilles
    • Sarpedon, Son of Zeus
    • Glauchus, Son of Hippolochus
    • Euphorbus – wounds Patroclus
    • Dolon – a spy
    • Antenor – Adviser who reommends returning Helen
    • Polydorus – Priam’s Son
    • Pandarus – Lycaon’s Son
  • The Trojan Women
    • Hecuba – King Priam’s Wife
    • Helen – Zeus’ Daughter. The Trojan War starts when Paris abducts her.
    • Andromache – Hector’s Wife
    • Cassandra – Priam’s Daughter
    • Brisels – A Trojan Woman captured by Achilles.


Ruins of Troy VII, Canakkale

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