
The Gods of the Osiris Myth

  • Osiris
    • He had a Temple at Abydos. He was the husband of Isis and the father of Horus and in the Osiris Myth he is murdered by his brother Set who wanted to become the Ruler. Osiris became the Ruler of the Underworld and was present at the Last Judgement of the Dead.
  • Isis
    • She was worshipped at the Temple of Isis at Philae. She was the Wife of Osiris and together they had a son, Horus. She was the Goddess of Motherhood, Children and the Home and was portrayed seated holding her infant Horus. After his murder by Set, Isis searched for Osiris’ body and was finally able to reassemble his dispersed remains.
  • Horus
    • He had a Temple at Edfu. The Son of Osiris and Isis, when Horus grew up he fought his uncle Set and after 80 years, defeated him to become the Ruler.
  • Set
    • Brother of Osiris, he murdered him to become the Ruler of Egypt. When Horus grew up, he challenged Set and after 80 years of conflict, succeeded in replacing him as Ruler of Egypt.

Temples to Isis

  • The first Temple of Isis at Philae was the built by the Pharaoh Nectanebo I (c.370 BCE) and the Temple was subsequently redeveloped by the Ptolemies. Prior to this she was worshipped with the other gods in their Temples.

Cult of Isis

  • Temples dedicated to the worship of Isis started to be built during the Roman Empire (27 BCE-476 CE) when the Cult of Isis became very popular.



Temple of Isis at Philae, Aswan

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