Italian Wolf

  • The Italian Wolf (Canis lupus Italicus) is a sub-species of the Grey Wolf which inhabits the Italian peninsular, mainly in the Apennines and the western Alps.
  • Since 1970 it has been a protected species in Italy.

The Wolf in Roman Mythology

  • In the Legend of Ancient Rome, Romulus and Remus are brought up by a she-wolf in a cave.
  • The symbol of Rome was a statue of the she-wolf suckling the two infants in a cave called the Lupercal..
  • As a result, the Romans never used wolves in their wild beast hunts known as Venatio.

Eurasian Wolf

  • The Eurasian Wolf (Canis lupus lupus) once roamed Northern Europe, Russia and Asia, but was almost hunted to extinction in Europe by 1900.
  • It is a sub-species of the Grey Wolf.


Western Alps

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