
  • Italica is the Archeological remains of a Roman Town, located on the river de Huelva, a tributary of the Guadalquivir at Santiponce, 7 miles to the north of Seville in Andalucia, Spain.
  • It was in the Province of Baetica.


  • Italica was built in 206 BCE, to settle the wounded Legionaries from the Battle of Ilipa, where the Carthaginian army had been defeated.
  • Seville (Hispalis) replaced Italica in the second century CE.
  • The Emperors Hadrian and Trajan were both born in Italica.

Roman Sites

  • Amphitheatre
    • It seated 25,000, even though Italica’s population was only 8,000.
  • Roman cobbled streets
  • Mosaic floors


Roman Roads


Italica, Spain

206 BCE
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