
  • Jainism, also known as Jain Dharma, is one of India’s oldest religions, and one of the world’s oldest continuously worshipped religions.
  • It is similar to Buddhism and Hinduism in sharing the belief in Karma and reincarnation and a tradition of monasticism.


  • Jainism has no priests, but has instead a monastic tradition of monks and nuns who lead ascetic lives and interpret the texts.
  • Jainism has no Gods and believes the Universe exists permanently and, unlike in western Abrahamic religions, that it was not the result of an Act of Creation by God.
  • Jainism believes in non-violence and the reincarnation of the soul.

The Three Fundamental Principles

  • Right belief, Right knowledge and Right conduct.

The Five Vows

  • The five vows of Jainism are Non violence, not lying, not-stealing, sexual moderation and non attachment to possessions.

The 24 Thirthankaras

  • There have been 24 spiritual teachers of Dharma.

Mahavira and the Agamas

  • Mahavira (c. 600-527 BCE) was the 24th Thirthankara (spiritual leader) and formulated Jainism as it is practised today.
  • His teachings are written down in texts known as the Agamas.

The two sects of Jainism

  • Digambara (sky clad) the male monks do not wear clothes, the nuns wear white clothes.
  • Svetambara (white clad) the monks and nuns wear white clothes.

Jain Temples

  • There are Jain Temples located throughout the Indian sub-continent, some are located in caves.
  • Certain Temples are sites of Pilgrimage.


  • Jai Mandir is a water temple in Pawapuri which is the location of Mahavira’s ashes.
  • It is one of the five main Jain temples in Pawapuri.

Jain Calendar

  • The Vira Nirvana Samvat is a Lunisolar calendar that began on the 7th October 527 BCE, the date of Mahavirna’s Nirvana.
  • The 12 Jain months each average 30 days and the Jain year, 360 days. The Calendar is adjusted by the addition of one month every three years.
  • The Jain New year is celebrated on the first day of the following month after Diwali, known as Deepavali. Diwali was the day that Mahavirna achieved Nirvana and is also the last day in the Indian Calendar.

Jain Festivals

  • These either reflect events in the lives of the spiritual leaders or are days of purification and fasting.



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