
  • Jerash is a city in Jordan, which holds one of the best preserved Roman cities, Gerasa, which was known as the Pompeii of the East. Many of its buildings are still standing.
  • Gerasa was one of the ten cities of the Decapolis until it was absorbed into the Roman Province of Arabia Petraea.

Roman Ruins

  • Hadrian’s Arch (c.130 CE)
  • Temple of Artemis (with columns)
  • North Theatre
  • Roman Forum
    • with an oval colonnade
  • Cardo Maximus
    • with standing columns
  • Propylaeum of Artemis
  • Hippodrome
  • Northern Tetrapylon
  • Sanctuary of Zeus
    • (with an ornate frieze)
  • Nymphaeum


  • Jerash Archeological Museum
    • Located on ‘Camp Hill’, overlooking the Oval Plaza, Jerash.
    • It holds Collections from all Periods of Jordan’s history including statues of the Muses of the Greek Pantheon.
  • Jerash Visitor Centre
    • This Museum displays a history of the development of the city of Jerash, including artefacts such as the Statues of Zeus and Aphrodite, and a head of Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus.

Roman Roads

  • Via Traiana Nova
    • Jerash was connected to this north-south Highway which linked Mesopotamia with Egypt.


Jerash Archeological Museum

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