
  • Jersey is one of the Channel Islands located off the coast of northern France. Each island is self-governing and passes its own legislation, however, they not Sovereign States, being owned by the Crown with the title British Crown Dependency.
  • The Islands were occupied by the Romans between 60-c.408 CE, and were known as the ‘Insulae Lenuri’ while Jersey was possibly known as ‘Caesaria’ or Andium’.

Grouville Hoard

  •  In June 2012, a Hoard of 70,000 Celtic and Roman coins was found, dating to the period of the Gallic Wars (58-51 BCE).


  • La Hougue Bie Museum, Grouville
  • Jersey Museum and Art Gallery
    • Weighbridge Place, St, Helier.

Jersey Dolmens

  • Jersey has a number of Dolmens.


Faldouet Dolmen, Jersey

60 CE
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