Jugurthine War

The Reason for the War

  • Numidia (Algeria and part of Tunisia) had been a Roman ally during the Second Punic War (218-201 BCE) but Rome became concerned at the power struggle taking place and decided to intervene when Jugurtha usurped the throne.
  • Between 112-107 BCE Jugurtha used diplomacy to outwit the Roman Consuls and Armies sent to vanquish him.
  • Eventually, Jugurtha was summoned to Rome to face a Trial, but he bribed the Tribunes to avoid testifying. He then assassinated his cousin who was also in Rome to make his claim for Numidia. Jugurtha was forced to flee the city and return to Numidia.

The Roman Preparations

  • The Marian Reforms (107-102 BCE) under Marius created a permanent standing army that was highly disciplined for the first time.

The War

  • In 107 BCE Marius arrived in Numidia with this new army and succeeded in pushing Jugurtha into the south.
  • Eventually, in 105 BCE, Jugurtha was captured, and the War ended.

The Outcome

  • Marius took him back to Rome in chains, where he was placed in the Tullianum, before being executed in 104 BCE.


  • Sallust (86-35 BCE)
    • The Roman Historian describes this war in detail to point out how General Marius used the war to challenge the established Roman Hierarchy.


Cirta, Constantine, capital of Numidia

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