
  • Karnak, also known as the Temple of Amun, was a Temple city complex based around the Temple of Amun near Luxor in Egypt. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which includes the nearby Necropolises.
  • It was commenced in 1,530 BCE and its Ruins are located 1.6 miles (2.5km) north of the city of Luxor which used to be called Thebes.


  • Temple of Amun
    • The Site contains three Temple Precinct areas, dedicated respectively to Amun-Re, his wife Mut and their son Montu (or Khonsu). The fourth Temple, dedicated to Amenhotep IV, was dismantled soon after he had died.
  • The Great Hypostyle Hall
    • This has 134 columns arranged in 16 rows.
    • The majority of the columns are 33 ft (10m) high, with some reaching 69 ft (21m) in height.
    • On top of the columns the Egyptian builders managed to place Architraves that weigh up to 70 tons. It is not known how these columns and architraves were erected.

Nearby Sites


  • Karnak Open Air Museum
    • Located in the northwestern corner of the Precinct of Amon-Re in the Karnak complex.
    • It holds reconstructions of various shrines and chapels:
      • Chappelle Rouge of Hatshepsut
      • White Chapel of Senuset I
      • Calcite Shrine of Amenhotep II
      • Barque shrine of Tuthmosis III
      • Chapel of Amenhotep I
      • Barque chapel of Thutmosos IV



Temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt

1530 BCE
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