Khyber Pass

  • The Khyber Pass is a 30 mile (48km) Pass in the Spin Ghar mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan, passing through the Spin Gar mountains.
  • The Merchants on the Silk Road used this Pass on the route from China to Pakistan and on to India.

Invasion Route

  • In 550 BCE
    • Cyrus the Great, marched a Persian Army through the Khyber Pass to invade India.
  • In 515 BCE
    • Darius the Great, also marched a Persian Army through the Khyber Pass to invade India.
  • In 326 BCE
  • Between 1221-1327 CE
    • The Mongol Invasions used the Khyber pass.

Other Passes



Khyber Pass, Pakistan:

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