
  • Krakatoa is an active volcano in Indonesia, located in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra.

1883 Eruption

  • On the 27th August 1883 CE, Krakatoa erupted four times.
  • The explosions coukd be heard 3,000 miles (4,800km) away and the shock wave travelled around the world three and a half times. The ash cloud rose to 260,000 feet (79,248m).
  • The ash cloud completely encircled the globe over the next 15 days.
  • During the next four years, the winters around the world were affected by the ash cloud reducing the sunlight.

History of Eruptions

  • 416 CE (Javanese Book of Kings)
  • 535 CE (Volcanic Eruption, probably Krakatoa)
  • 850-1530 CE, it erupted 7 times.
  • 1883 CE

Active Volcanoes


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