
  • Lancaster is a city located on the river Lune in the County of Lancashire. It is noted for its medieval castle.


  • Lancaster castle is built on the Site of a Roman Fort, thought to have been Calunium, constructed between 60-73 CE, which was probably built to defend a harbour on the river Lune.
  • The Roman fort appears to have been rebuilt several times.
  • Roma Auxiliary Units based at the Fort:
    • Ala Sebosiana (3rd century CE)
    • Numerus Barcariorum Tigrisiensium (3rd century CE)

Roman Sites

  • Lancaster Norman Castle
    • The castle was built by the Normans in circa the 11th century CE, over the Roman fort, of which some vestiges still remain.
  • Lancaster Roman Bath house
    • This is located on the junction of Bridge lane and Church street.
  • The Wery Wall
    • This is the name for the Remains of the Roman Fort called either Galacum or Calunium built in 79 CE.
    • The Wery Wall is located near the Bath house and is the remnant of a 4th century CE Fort wall (c.330 CE), apparently built in the same style as the Saxon Shore Forts in southeastern Britain.


  • Lancaster City Museum
    • Located at the Old Town Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster.
    • The museum holds various Roman Artefacts including the Lancaster Roman Tombstone which depicts a mounted cavalry officer with his headless opponent lying beneath him.

Roman Roads

Nearby Sites


Lancaster city museum

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